Free learning resources from arts, cultural and heritage organisations.

16 Stories

Humber Regiments on the Western Front
Different experiences of soldiers in the First World War

The East Riding Yeomanry in the First World War
A soldier's experiences of wartime in the Middle East

Working Women of the First World War
New job opportunities for women of the Humber in WW1

Minesweeping During the First World War
How trawlermen of the Humber supported the Mine Clearance Service

Agriculture During Wartime in the Humber
Who worked the land during the First World War?

Zeppelin Raids in the Humber During WW1
The effects of airship attacks on people of the Humber

Training Men to be Soldiers in the First World War
Explore what life was like for new recruits from East Yorkshire

First World War Propaganda in the Humber
Techniques used to encourage men and women to volunteer for service

How the First World War affected families
The aftermath of the war for soldiers’ loved ones

Life in WW1 Country House Hospitals
Temporary wartime hospitals created during 1914-1918

Female Munitions Workers in WW1
Thousands of British women took on dangerous jobs in wartime factories

WW1 Mobile Dental Surgery
Providing dental treatment to soldiers fighting in France

WW1 Prisoners of War from Lancashire Regiments
Parcels sent to British POWs in Germany

WW1 Food Shortages and Rationing
The Women's Land Army - feeding the Home Front!