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About Afra Eisma

splashdown tender

From June to October 2023, The Tetley Art Gallery in Leeds hosted 'splashdown tender', Afra Eisma’s first UK solo exhibition, as part of the Dreaming season of LEEDS 2023.

Eisma’s signature bright colours, tactile textures, soft and cuddly creatures took over the gallery, with a large collection of friendly aliens, the ‘otherworldly beings’ which visitors could sit with and poke, touch, cuddle and squeeze!

When interviewed at The Tetley, Afra Eisma said:

'it is important for everyone to access my work' and this exhibition was definitely accessible for all!

Arms with huge hands and painted fingernails stretched from room to room, and beautiful ceramic sculptures sat side by side with ‘Garments of Anger’ – beautiful silk dresses adorned with angry phrases expressing the artist’s frustration with socio-political issues.


close up of artwork showing several alien figures made from colourful textiles
splashdown tender by Afra Eisma

There are nine learning resources produced by Beatrice Lee-Knowles for LEEDS 2023 to support students in learning about Afra’s work and with suggestions of how they can engage with her themes and style - see Resources section.