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Life Under Siege

The intermingling of civilian and military life brought overcrowding and strains on resources.

Brown earthenware Bellarmine jug from time of Civil War
Bellarmine Jug


Close up view of Civil War Ferrara sword showing engraved inscription on blade
Ferrara Sword Inscription

But, despite the dangers and challenges of life under siege, there is evidence of the continuation of everyday routines. In Newark, effective local government was maintained. Relief was given to the poor and orderly measures were put in place to curb the spread of disease.

Photo of a dark coloured metal Civil War Ferrara sword handle
Ferrara Sword Handle

Isolation meant an end to trade, with its usual influx of coins. To continue to pay for soldiers and goods, special siege coins were minted in a few places (Carlisle, Beeston Castle, Scarborough, Lathom House, Newark, Colchester, and Pontefract Castle). These were cut from recycled silver plates and cups, usually with straight sides to reduce waste, and bear the rims and hallmarks of the original objects.


Square shaped metal coin displayed on blue cloth, inscription reads 'OBS : NEWARK 1646'
Newark Siege Coin