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The Big Beach Clean-Up

6,000 volunteers of all ages took part in the Big Beach Clean-up in May 2012. 

People on a beach celebrating taking part in the M&S Big Beach Clean-Up
M&S Big Beach Clean-Up

The volunteers collected 11,500kg of litter, helping to protect marine wildlife and keep our beaches clean. Over 3,200 bin bags were filled with rubbish, which included 12,800 wrappers and 2,850 tin cans.
Lucky litter pickers even found a set of false teeth and half a sofa in Edinburgh, a carpet in Clacton and a pair of underpants on Shoreham beach! 
The Big Beach Clean-up shows how everyone can help to make a difference by doing something very simple - what little thing could everyone do in your school to make it better?

Activity Idea

Visit the Great British Beach Clean Website to find out if there's a clean-up near you. Or why not arrange a litter-pick or beach-clean near where you live. Make a list of all the different items found.  Get some adults to help too, and don't forget to wear gloves to keep your hands clean!