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Teachers' Notes

Resource created by: Hillingdon Museum and Archives Services. 


Curriculum Links

KS3 History: The development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509-1745

  • The causes and events of the civil wars throughout Britain
  • The Interregnum (including Cromwell in Ireland)
  • The Restoration, ‘Glorious Revolution’ and power of Parliament


Activities and Discussion Ideas


A Day in the Life

Pick a negotiator from each side. Write a day’s entry from their diary. Think about their background and what they were discussing. What were their points of view? What did they think of the negotiators on the other side of the table? Did they think the negotiations would be a success?


The Right People for the Job

As a class, pick five negotiators from each side. Think about their lives and experiences. Were they soldiers, lawyers or diplomats?

What kind of people were the Uxbridge negotiators? Why were they chosen by each side? Does their inclusion have anything to do with what was being discussed?

What kind of people would you have chosen to do the negotiating and why?



Draw your own map, using what you have found out about the Civil War locally; colour each side. What patterns are there?

Before and after

Choose a group or a character – what was life like for them before war broke out and after. Choose five words from the list below to describe their experience.

  • Dull
  • Safe
  • Familiar
  • Uncertain
  • Harsh
  • Enjoyable
  • Tough
  • Nasty
  • Fierce
  • Certain
  • Dangerous
  • Painful

Watch the videos:

Discuss the questions posed by the characters in the short films featured in the 'Different Views' section.

A friendly discussion

Pick two characters from the film clips at random. Devise a script or act out a debate between them. What are their differences? What do they think of each other? What might they have in common?