This resource has been developed through a unique collaboration between Theatre Company Blah Blah Blah, Leeds Museums and Galleries and Jael Williams Consultants. We hope it provides an inspiring, multi-sensory journey for you and your children!
With thanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Arts Council of England and arts@leeds.
It’s important that you start the overall topic with some orientation about Egypt, and then focus in on Ancient Egypt and Seti’s Shabti. You don’t necessarily need to be studying the Egyptians for this resource to be useful. The themes are a great way into other subject areas outlined in the curriculum links below.
Note: There are Teachers Notes spread throughout the different parts of the resource, along with further discussion and activity ideas.
Curriculum Links
- KS2 Maths: Measurement and Geometry
- KS2 English: Planning, drafting and writing; Reading aloud; Listening; Evaluating and debating
- KS1 & 2 Science: Materials
- KS1 & 2 History: Significant local person, events. Theme extending knowledge beyond 1066
- KS1 & 2 Geography: Locational knowledge. Human and Physical
- Key Stages 1 & 2 Art: – Exploring and developing ideas
- KS2 PSHE: Relationships, Rights, Responsibilities, Community and Global Citizenship
- Social and Emotional Learning through the exploration of self and other’s emotions, relationships, communication and decision making skills.
- Philosophical Enquiry Learning through critical thinking, listening, collaborating, negotiating and problem solving skills
Activity Ideas
The activity ideas for this learning story are spread throughout the chapters, according to where they are most relevant. Downloadable activity sheets are linked to in the activity ideas, and all resources can be found in the Resources section. Links to some of these are below:
- Combined teacher pack featuring all the PDF's (but not powerpoints or audio / video)
- Powerpoint image bank with images from the resource to use as wanted.
- Teacher Support Pack Powerpoint featuring philosophical enquiry notes and activity ideas
- Audio files telling the fictional stories of the shabti creator, and the shabti itself.
- Make your own Shabti:This downloadable sheet provides instructions and images for making your own shabti from air drying or modelling clay, and creating a giant classroom shabti from papier mâché, including writing a message in hieroglyphs.
- Writing a successful museum label: This downloadable document provides a list of things to consider when creating your object labels
- The Shabti's journey through time: this activity outlines a variety of geography-based activities, including tracking the journey the shabti has taken, creating a 3D map, creating mini mobiles and adding in geographical features
- Arty maths: This activity uses the shabti as the focus for maths activities such as drawing to scale, measuring angles, and calculating perimeter
- Ancient Egypt timeline activity: This activity includes visuals to support children in placing Ancient Egypt and events relating to the shabti on a timeline with other significant historical events and periods.