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Teachers' Notes

Resource created by York Minster

This resource investigates a post First World War commemorative object and its use today. 


Curriculum Links

  • KS2/3/4 Religious Education: Christianity, symbols, beliefs, places of worship, rememberence
  • KS2 History: a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
  • KS3 History: World War 1

Learning Objectives

  • Knowledge of the ways in which deceased WW1 soldiers were commemorated
  • Understanding of religious responses to the conflict and grief
  • Skills to analyse religious artefacts and interpret memorials

Discussion and Activity Ideas

Art & Design:

  • Pupils could design their own box to store a special item, perhaps using a shoe box to decorate. They could first consider how to represent their theme or what sort of symbols they might use. One of the designs could be chosen as a 'class box' to store records of children's achievements.
  • Look at other examples of Omar Ramsden's work online, using the links below as starting points.

Religious Education:

  • The phrase 'Iesus Hominum Salvator' which means 'Jesus the Saviour of Mankind' can be seen in another resource about Conscientious Objectors. Why do you think these words meant so much to people who experienced war?
  • Find out about important symbols in other religions such Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism.
  • What do you know about services held by other religions?
  • This silver box was one way to remember and commemorate a person. What other ways can people be commemorated?
  • We know that George Ambler was buried in Undercliffe Cemetry in Bradford and that he came from a wealthy textile family. Do an image search for Undercliffe Cemetry and look at the related link at the bottom of this page for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. What do you notice about the two styles of memorials?
  • Research about the current Archbishop of York and find out what the role of an archbishop is.


  • Write a leaflet explaining what the wafer box is used for and why it was created, describing the story behind it. Use persuasive skills to persuade people to visit York Mister to keep the services running and to restore the Minster.


  • The box given in memory of George Ambler is still in use today. Can you think of other things that you know of that are still in use after many years, in your family, school, or community?
  • What other methods have been used to remember and celebrate soldiers? 

  • Have you seen any war memorials or memorials in churches in your local area?

  • Discuss how wars have changed since World War One.